Related imageNo matter what the weather is, we should never ignore the needs of our feet. Winter is arriving in Doha and we need to include Pedi-care in our daily routines. We tend to ignore our limbs and feet and become obsessed with whether the skin on face is perfect, leaving the lower part of our body to fend for itself.

We regularly care for our face and hands and set routines so that they look clean and polished, but our feet are just as important. They carry us throughout our life, so they deserve some attention too. Here are some ways you can care for your feet and leave them feeling soft and smooth.

  • Wash your feet regularly and do not forget to moisturize. Scrub your soles at least twice a week and remember to dry the area in between your toes to avoid fungal infections.
  • Clip and clean your toenails regularly. Avoid trimming your cuticles as it increases the chances of split skin, instead gently push them back.
  • Pamper your feet with a warm bath or mini pedicure every week or two. This helps to keep them moist and removes dead or dry skin. For a home pedi-cure – take a small tub and fill it with warm water, add shampoo or body wash with salt flakes. Soak for 15 minutes. Then gently scrub your feet to remove dead cells and rinse with cold water. Pat dry with a towel and apply moisturizer. Cover with socks in order to absorb maximum moisture.
  • For dry or cracked heels, take time out after a warm bath and use a pumice stone to scrub away dead skin.
  • Use home remedies to keep you skin healthy, mix papaya, glycerin, honey and lemon juice together and apply it onto your feet. Leave it for 10 – 15 minutes and rinse off.
  • Another dead skin removal is to take a mixture of lemon and sugar and rub it on your feet in a circular motion.
  • Make sure to apply either petroleum jelly or a moisturizing cream before bed.

 By Ifra Naaz

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