Maybe you’re practicing a self-quarantine.  Maybe you work from your apartment and are avoiding the gym. Or maybe you just like living like a house cat.

Either way, you’ve come to the right place!

Let’s start off with setting up a schedule, You can organize your workouts into any combination you like. If you’re not sure what you want, you can use this schedule to get a good balance:

  • Monday: Upper Body
  • Tuesday: Core
  • Wednesday: Lower Body
  • Thursday: Upper Body
  • Friday: Core
  • Saturday: Lower Body
  • Sunday: Relaxation


Move 1: Diamond Push-Ups

Start in a plank position. Bring index fingers and thumbs to meet, forming a triangle under chest. Bend elbows and lower torso as close to ground as possible. Push through palms to straighten arms. Modify this move by dropping to knees. Do 10 reps.

Move 2: Superman Holds With Squeeze

Lie face down on mat and hold arms out to sides at shoulder-height, thumbs facing up. Lift chest, arms and legs off ground simultaneously. Pause, then lower back to mat. Do 10 reps, then rest for 30 seconds.

Move 3: Plank Ups

Start in a forearm plank. Keeping abs tight and spine long, pick up right arm and right palm on ground. Repeat on left side, ending up in a high-plank position. Now reverse the movement, replacing right palm with right elbow and left palm with left elbow. That’s 1 rep. Be sure to keep hips still and facing the ground throughout the routine. Do 10 reps, alternating starting arms with each rep.

Move 4: Inchworm to Push-Up

Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Hinge forward at hips and place palms on floor, bending knees as needed to reach. Walk hands forward so that you’re in a plank position. Do 1 push-up, keeping elbows close to torso, dropping to knees if needed. Walk hands back toward feet and stand up. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 total. Rest for 30 seconds.

Move 5: Burpees

Start standing. Squat down until hands touch floor and kick feet back into a plank position. Drop chest to floor, then jump feet wide, then to the sides of hands, then back to standing position. Jump up and immediately move to the next rep. Do as many reps as you can for one minute. Your goal: Do at least 15 reps.


Move 1: Firefighters

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and core engaged. Shift weight onto right leg and lift left knee, bending left leg to a 90-degree angle. Keep arms in front of you as if you’re climbing a ladder.

Extend left arm overhead as you push off right foot. Explosively lift right knee until it’s level with your hips. Pull hand down as you lower your right leg. Repeat on the other side.

Move 2: Knee-in crunch

Lie faceup with fingertips behind ears and legs extended. Lift legs until feet are about 6 inches off the floor. Engage core and lift shoulder blades off the floor.

Come up like you’re doing a regular crunch while also pulling knees in toward chest. Careful not to pull on your neck — use your abs to lift. Reverse the movement to return to starting position.

Move 3: Glute Bridge

Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place arms on the floor by your sides, palms facing down. Keep head and shoulders firmly planted on the floor. As you inhale, press through your feet. As you exhale, squeeze glutes to lift hips off the floor.

This exercise is great for hip stabilization and for boosting ab strength — plus, it works your butt (bonus!)

Move 4: Bicycle Crunch

Lie faceup with fingertips behind ears, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, both feet off the floor. Lift head and shoulders off the floor.

Bring right elbow to left knee as you extend right leg straight. Quickly reverse the movement to repeat on the other side, bringing left elbow to right knee. Continue to alternate.

Move 5: X – Up

Lie faceup with arms at your sides. Engage core and sit up. Raise right hand and left leg simultaneously. Touch right fingertips to left toes. Return to starting position and repeat with the opposite hand and leg.


Move 1 : Goblet Squat

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and hold one end of a dumbbell with both hands with your elbows pointing down. Pressing down firmly on your feet, sit into a squat, pushing your butt back and down. Avoid caving your knees inward and lifting your heels or toes up. Keep your chest lifted and core engaged. Then, press your heels to stand back up.

Move 2: Lateral Squat

Stand with your feet together and hold a medium-heavy set of dumbbells. Take a big step to your right side and lower down into a lunge, hinging forward at the hips and keeping your chest lifted. Be sure both feet are firmly planted on the floor and toes are facing straight. Push off with your right foot to come back to the starting position while keeping your left foot on the floor.

Move 3: Glute Bridge

Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip-distance apart. Extend your arms up toward the ceiling in front of your chest. Squeezing your glutes, press your hips up off the mat. Pause for a moment and then bring your hips back down to the mat. To make this move more challenging, lift your toes off the floor and press on your heels.

Move 4: Hamstring Curls

Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat with your knees bent and your feet on a pair of gliders or small hand towels hip-distance apart. Keep your arms by your sides with your palms pressing on the floor. Squeezing your glutes, press your hips up off the mat. Then, without dropping your hips, slide your feet forward to fully extend and straighten your legs. Your heels should be pressing on the gliders. Then, slide your feet back to the starting position.

Move 5: Deadlift

Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat with your knees bent and your feet on a pair of gliders or small hand towels hip-distance apart. Keep your arms by your sides with your palms pressing on the floor. Squeezing your glutes, press your hips up off the mat. Then, without dropping your hips, slide your feet forward to fully extend and straighten your legs. Your heels should be pressing on the gliders. Then, slide your feet back to the starting position.


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