David Key (United Kingdom)
“I moved here from the U.K with my family in 2013, just before the summer kicked in. The thing that’s incredibly good about Doha is how welcoming everyone around us was when we got here, and how it continues to be like that now. The beauty of Qatar is [...]
Jennifer (Lebanon)
Qatar made me who I am today - a hardworking, self-made, adventurous, happy person. Coming from Lebanon, a very beautiful country but with few to no basic human rights like electricity, water, safety, or even the opportunity to live a good life, Doha has been my first ‘home’ for the [...]
Matthijs Bos (Netherlands)
I believe that we as people who are privileged enough to have received education and experience, we can always help other people, especially the ones working with us. Helping by developing skills, helping career-wise, but above all treat all humans with respect and dignity. I always say that whatever [...]
Rochelle Zonnenberg (India)
"When I left India and moved to Qatar back in 2005, I had no idea what life had in store for me. I was both scared and excited to move to a new country and had to find a way to make it home. After a couple of years [...]
Corryn & Patrick (United Kingdom)
‘It’s just for two years and then we will be back’ That was the line we repeated to most people over and over before we left the UK. Six years later and here we are still in Qatar! When people ask us what are the greatest things we’ve ever [...]
Dyan Maria (Indonesia)
" Being a very active person, I felt very low during the lockdown period in the initial stage of the pandemic and was extremely affected by it. I used to travel every 3-4 months for a holiday or to visit my family back in Jakarta, Indonesia. Not being able [...]