Heart shaped chocolates and store bought Valentine’s themed gifts are all too mainstream. Sometimes you have to make that extra effort to show your loved one that you really wanted them to feel special. But we know how much of a hassle cooking can be. So we have brought a very easy recipe for you. Valentine’s Day Special Heart Shaped Sugar Cookies. Bake a bunch and box it up for bae. They are going to fall in love with these and you, all over again.

You will need:

  1. A Microwave Oven
  2. Baking Tray
  3. Wax Paper
  4. A mixing Bowl
  5. Spatula
  6. Sieve
  7. A measuring cup
  8. Rolling pin
  9. Heart shaped cookie cutter.

Items to buy: For the Sugar Cookies

  1. 2 cups of all-purpose flour.
  2. 5 to 2 cups of powdered sugar
  3. 1 cup of melted butter or vegetable oil.
  4. Flavouring options(choose any one):
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 5 powdered cardamoms.
  • Milk or white chocolate chips.
  • 5 cups of cocoa powder.

Items to buy: For the frosting (Optional)

  1. Readymade cookie icing
  2. Sprinkles and other decorative toppings
  3. Food colour (optional)

How to Make:

Before you begin, preheat the Oven at 180 degrees.

In a bowl, add 2 cups of all-purpose flour and 1.5 cups of powdered sugar and mix well. Sieve this mixture into a mixing bowl to make sure there are no lumps. The sugar can be added later according to preference. Pro Tip: You can also add 0.5 cup of cocoa powder at this stage if you would like to make chocolate flavoured cookies.

Once the dry mixture is ready, add the 1 cup of melted butter or oil and mix slowly with a spatula. You can now add your flavouring of choice.

Now using your hand, knead the dough with medium pressure. At this stage, taste the dough to make sure the sugar level is as per your taste.

Note: If the mixture is too dry add milk (almond or cow’s, as you wish) in small quantities and knead. Likewise if the mixture has become runny, add a bit of flour and sugar into it. Basically, watch your step and make adjustments as you proceed.

Once your dough is done (not sticky to touch) separate it to 1 inch balls, lay out the wax paper and place the balls one at a time. Flatten the dough using a rolling pin. You can decide how thick you want the cookies to be. Use the cookie cutter and place in the centre of the flattened dough and press. Peel away the excess and roll them into a ball for later use.

Make a bunch of these first and lay them into a baking tray lined with wax paper.

Once the tray is filed, place them into the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. We recommend you pause the oven after the first 10 minutes and sample a cookie. Accordingly continue baking for next 5 minutes or more.

If you want to make the extra efforts, then proceed to ice the cookies after they have cooled down completely. You can use a store bought cookie icing (yea we know you have done enough cooking for one day). You can add food colouring or buy colored icing, as per your wish.

Decorate the cookies to your liking and serve!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Written by Adithya Nair

Adithya is an Electronics engineering graduate who embarked on her artistic journey in her final year of college. From co-founding a handmade gifts company to being placed on the leader board of Zomato, she explores every facet of her life eagerly. She shares her paintings, poetry and blogs on her social media and is an artist in the making. Follow her on Instagram @artbyadithyanair.