It’s time to rejoice, summer is finally here! It’s time for the season of cold drinks and warm weather. There’s no better time to work on getting that perfect sun-kissed tan! You can try fake tanning or hit the tanning beds all year round, but nothing quite compares to that sun tan. That being said, it can also be the most difficult to perfect and get an even tanned finish. Well, we’re here to give you the break down on the top 4 tips on how to get it just right!
Use SPF!
The tip you’d never expect is to always use SPF. Many people often think that SPF gets in the way of tanning, but the truth is you still need that protection to avoid burning.
Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!
Keep your skin perfectly exfoliated and slough away any dead skin cells, that is the best way for you to get the most longevity. Tanning on deeply exfoliated skin is most likely to last you a while.

Source: Leaf TV
Moisture is Key
As important as it is to exfoliate, it is equally necessary to keep your skin moisturized. Moisturizing is going to avoid any uneven tanning. Uneven tan can occur by the tan clinging to dry patches strangely, so keep your skin soft and smooth!
Time Your Tan
We’re all prone to just lounging around all morning expecting to get a more intense tan, but the truth is that only an hour in the peak time is more than enough. The peak tanning time is usually before 10am. Doctors recommend avoiding tanning between 10am to 4pm – that is when you’re most prone to burn!
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By: Sarah
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