Switch your regular bread to brown bread, just have a diet soda instead of your regular ones, avoid the yolk part of the eggs. These are just some of the ‘health tips’ that we have heard of time and again. This article will focus on some of this advice on health foods, that are actually not that healthy! The first time I read about the actual facts behind these popular opinions, I realised the importance of reading about what you are eating, instead of just believing the packaging and marketing! So let’s begin.
The Brown Bread Bubble
Everybody knows that refined flour is one of the unhealthiest products that we are widely addicted to. The most common form of consumption of this refined flour has to be bread, that we eat in our sandwiches, burgers, pizzas, etc. The simple switch that most people suggest is to turn to ‘brown bread’. However, the only part of the bread that makes it difficult to digest is gluten, which is also the key reason that bread becomes addictive. This gluten can very well be present in brown bread, making it equally difficult to digest. So the best way to switch to a healthier option that is easily digestible is by turning to gluten-free bread options, and not just turning to anything brown.

Source: Zan and The Art of Mindful Eating
The Yolk is Yuck
Eggs have a very high quantity of protein, but the yolk has been dissed by one and all and labeled as ‘unhealthy’. While it is true that the yolk is a source of cholesterol, there are various benefits of eating the whole egg, rather than the whites. Egg yolk is a great source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, etc. In addition to these, yolks are also a great source of essential vitamins like B6, folate, B vitamin, B-12, A, D, E and K. So while health enthusiasts continue to diss the yolk, eating 3-4 yolks a day can actually help you have an enriching diet.
The Diet Soda Myths
The main reason that people switch to diet soda is that it is believed to aid in weight loss. However, the results are conflicting in different cases. While the zero calorie factor of the sugary diet sodas could help in losing weight. However, there are no nutritional benefits from drinking diet sodas, that are filled with preservatives, acids, and caffeine. Switching to a no-caffeine alternative is much healthier in the long run.
While these are just three of the myths, there are many more in the list, thanks to the growing health foods industry. While highlighting each and every product that is promoted as healthy and is actually not, is impossible, we can promote one habit that will aid the cause – constant vigilance. Being aware of what you put in your body is extremely crucial to make any diet work. So spend more time reading about the benefits and side effects of the food options, before falling for the marketing gimmicks.
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By: Naina
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