Women Tend to Ignore Heart Disease Symptoms
Women are known to wait longer to seek medical assistance for heart related symptoms, according to a study published in the European Journal of Cardiology this week. As a result, experts are urging women to seek immediate medical help when symptoms are seen to occur. The study Researchers analysed [...]
Bullying Causes Structural Changes to a Teen’s Brain
It's been known that bullying has negative psychological effects on teenagers; but now, research suggests that it may even have a physical impact on their brains. A study published in Springer Nature's Molecular Psychiatry journal suggests that teenagers who experience chronic bullying may have structural brain changes that could increase [...]
Flu Shots Linked to Lower Risk of Death in Heart Failure Patients
The flu vaccine is already known to reduce flu-related deaths and has grabbed a lot of media attention in recent years as news of global outbreaks made the headlines. However, not much was known about its effects on the lives of heart failure patients'...until now. A recent study uncovered a [...]
Winter Foot Care Tips
No matter what the weather is, we should never ignore the needs of our feet. Winter is arriving in Doha and we need to include Pedi-care in our daily routines. We tend to ignore our limbs and feet and become obsessed with whether the skin on face is perfect, leaving [...]
10 Germ-Spreading Habits to Give Up Now
You probably have some—if not all—of these germ-spreading habits. Here’s why you might want to rethink them. Photo: Nitikorn Poonsiri/Shutterstock 1. Texting on the toilet When nature calls, germs (including fecal matter!) are released into the air and can land on surfaces… like your phone. Even if you [...]
5 Healthy Travel Tips
It's December at last and the countdown to the holiday you've been fantasising about for the last few weeks is finally drawing to a close. In order to keep your fantasy trip from turning into a sickly nightmare, here is a list of five things you can do to help [...]