It’s Thursday morning. The birds are singing, the coffee is brewing and your tummy is growling. It’s time for brunch.
1. Prioritize Protein
I know those chocolate chip pancakes are calling your name, but they’re called cakes for a reason. While carbs are essential for proper nutrition, making an entire breakfast out of syrup covered dough will have you in a food coma quicker than you can say “How is it Monday already?”
In a study conducted by the British Journal of Nutrition, protein was cited as a key nutrient involved in weight loss and management, satiety, and energy. Make sure your breakfast comes complete with sources of lean protein (meaning sausage is out) like eggs and turkey bacon.
2. Veggie Glad to Meet You
If the only vegetables you see during brunch come in the form of a Bloody Mary, it may be time to rethink your brunching strategy. A study published in Nutrition Research found that adults who consumed a high intake of fruits and vegetables, without changing the rest of their diet, were able to prevent weight gain and promote weight loss. Ask if you can swap your home fries for a side salad.
3. Om-a-let Eat Yolks
For many, egg yolks are an all-or-nothing food. While the yolk of the egg is pure protein, you shouldn’t shun the yolk entirely. Yolks contain choline (a vital nutrient responsible for the structure of cell membranes, protecting our livers from accumulating fat, and building healthy neurotransmitters in the brain), B vitamins, and vitamins A and D. The American Heart Associate recommends eating one yolk a day, so ask your waiter if you can customize your egg to yolk ratio.
4. Toast to your health

Next time your waiter asks “White, Whole Wheat, or Rye?” go with rye bread. A 2003 Finlandish study found that eating rye bread resulted in a steadier insulin response than eating whole wheat. Stabilizing insulin will prevent a post brunch energy crash and more long-term ward off a variety of health problems associated with high blood sugar; including diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Oh, and caraway seeds are tasty.
So what should you order? Eggs Benedict or Florentine? The real answer is neither, but if you have to have one, go with the veg-heavy Florentine. At 890 calories and 59 grams of fat, it’s slightly healthier than the Benedict, which weighs in at 1020 calories and slightly less fat at 57 grams. In the end, you’re better off with an omelet.
Share your favourite brunch recipe. Comment below.
Source: Eat This
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