Your K-Beauty Guide: Why The Hype?
You have setting sprays in pink bunnies, lotions in panda containers, lip balms in gummy bears and bubble tea sleeping masks! This skin-tertainment by the K-Beauty (Korean Beauty) industry is spurring an irresistible cuteness-overload-wave. An irresistible force, indeed! Apart from being too cute to be ignored, the K-beauty industry is [...]
The 7 Drugstore Products Kim Kardashian Credits for Her Perfect Skin
Kim Kardashian West can have anything and everything she wants (probably whenever she wants, I might add!)—and yet, according to a recent post on her app, she still sticks with skincare products anyone can find in a drugstore beauty aisle. That loyalty either is a testament to her frugalness or to the [...]
This Hair Color Will Replace The Pastel Pink Hair Trend
Dusty Rose is the new pink! Getty Images Just when you thought you've seen every possible variation of pink hair, another trendy shade is taking over. Meet dusty rose, the color that's currently all over Instagram. Unlike pastel or rose gold, this light pink shade doesn't feel out of place in [...]
Our Best Skin Care Tips for Summer Travel
Travel can be good for your soul but so hard on your skin—especially in the summer, when the sun is warm, and the water is fine (... and super chlorinated). Your skin has lots of reasons to act out, from the bacteria you breathe in on the plane to changes [...]
How To Wash Your Hair The Right Way in 6 Simple Steps
Believe us when we say a good hair day begins in the shower. Ever wonder how to wash your hair the right way? You should. The real reason your hair looks (and feels!) so darn good after a trip to the salon is because the pros understand that the [...]
How To Contour and Highlight Your Face Like A Total Pro
You totally got this! INSTAGRAM/@KYLIEJENNER DESIGN BY DANA TEPPER Let's be real, there may be a billion beauty tutorials out there, but learning how to contour and highlight can still be really tricky. So if you're still struggling to achieve that Kylie Jenner look, no worries! Beauty Smartie Maria Gomez [...]