Preventing Hair Loss
Hair loss can be caused by a myriad of factors. It can be brought along by unhealthy lifestyles, nutritional deficiency, allergies, hormonal imbalances, poor hair care, and genetics. Despite what may seem like a mounding list of ways you can get it, there are still things you can do to [...]
Under-Eye Dark Circles: Home-Remedies and Topical Solutions
There isn’t one quick fix for your under eye dark circles. The approach has to be comprehensive, with prevention and treatment at its core. Read on to know every possible way – home remedy or topical solution - to evade them! At-Home Treatments Apply a cold compress. A cold compress can [...]
All About Micellar Water
If you’re researching micellar water, you’re probably a fellow makeup lover. Whether a simple no makeup-makeup look or a full face of slayage, we love putting our face on. We’re all about piling the products on, but when it comes to taking them off we’re not so into it. We’ve [...]
Under-Eye Dark Circles – Causes and Ways To Avoid Them
The skin around the eyes is 10 times thinner than the skin on your face and ages 36% faster than the rest of your skin (GASP!) If that’s not reason enough to give an extra bout of TLC to your periorbital area (around the eyes) then under-eye dark circles sure [...]
How to Remove Gel Nails At Home
It's virtually impossible to find a flaw in the concept of gel nails. Finally, a revolutionary method came about that granted us chip-free nails for weeks! But once you get past all the excitement and beauty of it all, you realize how problematic gel nails can be! There’s nothing worse [...]
Master The No-Makeup Makeup look
“How to perfect the natural, no-makeup look?” Step 1 – You will need these 27 cosmetic products! Who doesn't want to look flawless with zero effort? Unfortunately, unless you're blessed with an all-time filter-worthy skin, you would need a little extra assistance to get the much coveted no-makeup makeup look. [...]