Arts & Literature2022-02-17T11:45:29+03:00

Arts & Literature

VCUarts Qatar to host Moroccan artist’s expo

The Gallery at Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar) will be hosting a solo exhibition by renowned Moroccan artist Younes Rahmoun from September 20 to October 20.  The opening reception will take place on September 19 at 6pm in the presence of the artist. The [...]

September 17th, 2018|

Qatar Museums Unveils ‘Visual Literacy Project’

In their effort to inspire and engage the audience with its collections, Qatar Museums has launched a challenge on its Instagram account requesting people to decipher images and draw conclusions. Named as the ‘Visual Literacy Project’, the intention is to teach people how to examine and read images and apply [...]

September 17th, 2018|

Qatar Concert Choir Returns After First Overseas Trip

Qatar Concert Choir has just returned home after breaking exciting new ground on its first overseas trip, singing Beethoven’s Choral Symphony in Malaga with the Youth Orchestra of Malaga conducted by one of the finest conductors in the world, the famous French-American George Pehlivanian.  The Choir spent a week in [...]

September 16th, 2018|

Brookings Discusses Diversification Issues

The Brookings Doha Center (BDC) hosted an event yesterday to discuss the challenges facing Qatar and other GCC countries to diversify their economies in an era of demand-driven energy markets. While these countries understand the importance of diversifying their economies and have taken steps towards diversification, the changes have been [...]

September 13th, 2018|

Education Above All Foundation’s moving exhibition “Reaching 10 Million Out of School Children” lands at Hamad International Airport

Education Above All (EAA) Foundation’s (EAA) moving exhibition “Reaching 10 Million Out of School Children” has landed at Hamad International Airport (HIA). The exhibit marks the achievement of securing commitments to enrol 10 million out of school children in 50 countries around the world. The exhibition is taking place in [...]

September 12th, 2018|

The Fire Station Hosts Public Art Talk with International Artists

As part of Qatar Museums’ (QM) ongoing efforts to connect local and international artistic communities, the Fire Station hosted a public art talk with international artists Katharina Grosse and Andrea Zittel. The duo delivered an informal presentation about their work and shared insights gathered from their respective artistic journeys. Katharina [...]

September 12th, 2018|
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