Arts & Literature2022-02-17T11:45:29+03:00

Arts & Literature

The Second Session of the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition Forum

DOHA, 22 February 2019: The second edition of the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition (DJWE) Forum was held at the Marriot Marquis City Center on Thursday, 21 February, bringing together international jewellery and watch designers, leading experts, as well as local and international influencers for an exciting programme of seminars [...]

February 24th, 2019|

Pallas Arts: The Latest Addition To Qatar’s Arts And Culture Scene

10th February, 2019: Pallas Arts, Qatar’s first registered arts brokerage yesterday announced its official arrival as the latest addition to Qatar’s growing organic arts and culture scene, at an exclusive media briefing at the Mondrian Hotel. The brokerage was founded to help local artists gain international recognition and bring new [...]

February 18th, 2019|

9 Heartfelt Homemade Gifts to Impress Your Friends

Some people have difficulty coming up with a gift idea for their friends, especially if you’ve been friends with someone for years now, and you already exchanged all the big and meaningful gifts you planned. The budget is also a factor here – the winter holiday season is coming and [...]

December 30th, 2018|
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