The holiday season is approaching us.  With the holidays comes parties, office snacks and a busy schedule. Here’s are few tips to avoid that holiday weight gain.

1. Snack smart

During the holiday season you find yourself surrounded with unhealthy snacks, cookies and other goodies. Whether at the office, a holiday party or even at home.  At home, the solution might be easy, you just need to keep snacks out of sight or just don’t have them period.  While at the office, you might bring some of your own snacks, opt for nuts and seeds, vegetables with hummus or a protein bar,  so you won’t be tempted to reach one of those cookies a coworker brought in.  If you’re attending a holiday party where you know there will be appetizers to graze on, eat a filling meal beforehand.  Fill yourself up with veggies, protein and healthy fats to keep you feeling satiated. You are less likely to constantly grazing if you’re already full.

2.  Watch your alcohol intake

Try to limit your alcohol intake.  If you do drink, try sticking with red wine, or clear alcohol. Red wine does have positive health benefits including its ability to improve cholesterol and fight free radical damage. Just watch yourself when consuming. Limit with at least 1-2 glasses and be reminded that red wine has 125-160 calories per serving.  Double if you pour like I do! Clear alcohols have lower calories. Try vodka and soda water (95 Cal) or California margarita (105 Cal) and avoid mixing with juices, sodas and tonic. Or just sip on water or club soda so you have something to carry like everyone else.

3. Mindful eating

It takes 20 minutes for the stomach to feel full. Slow down when eating. Take a bite, set down your silverware, and chew your food thoroughly.  Keep away from distractions like t.v, work, and other electronics.

4. Stay active, reduce stress and get your sleep

Holidays can be a very busy and stressful for us.  Don’t make that an excuse to skip your normal workouts.  Schedule it in your planner or wake up 30 minutes early,  just get out there and move. Exercise and other physical activities improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduce stress.  Help combat stress by taking care of yourself (spa day, or massage) and staying at least once… or maybe more! Stick with your daily routine and don’t take on more than you can handle.  Get 7-8 hours of sleep at night.  Not enough sleep can raise cortisol levels, and your waistline.

5. Pick smart options

While out to a holiday lunch or dinner, make smart decisions about what goes onto your plate.  Pick protein, it will help you keep feeling full longer.  It also helps to maintain a healthy weight because because high protein diets are associated with great satiety.  Fill up on fiber! Leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and legumes can also keep us feeling satisfied.  Make room for healthy fats. Get healthy with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fares from avocados, nuts, and olive oil. Combining these with high fiber foods has been shown to increase fats power to keep us feeling full.  Limit your intake of the white stuff : Breads, pasta and refined sugars. The body breaks these simple carbohydrates down more quickly than complex carbohydrates. This creates a spike in our insulin levels, leaving us feeling hungrier and faster.

6. Give into temptation occasionally

Don’t go overboard and eat a dozen cookies, keep it in moderation. If you’re craving for a piece of that pumpkin pie, then go ahead and cut yourself a small slice. Forbidding foods will only make you crave it more. Making it more likely to binge.

Written by Brittay Kratzman, T23 Coach