Did you know your hair grows quicker in warmer climates?
Heat stimulates circulation in the body (including in the scalp) and encourages hair growth. Although, genetics and diet also play a role in hair growth – obviously! As much as most of us love having long locks, no one really enjoys unmanaged, frizzy hair. Frizzy hair seems to have a mind of its own, but there sure are ways you can tame it.

Source: YouTube
Simple and effective tress tips coming right up your way!
Frizz-friendly fuzzy towels: Let’s get to the ‘root’ of the problem. Did you know that the way you dry your locks decides the health of the cuticles? Guess what, that fuzzy towel of yours is actually the perfect recipe for frizz. Swap it with an absorbent, old cotton t-shirt / towel
Wide-toothed combs: Keep a strong bond with wide-toothed combs. Not only do these wide-toothed combs detangle strands, but they also distribute the scalp oil evenly so that it frizzes up less. It would be a good idea to factor this characteristic of broadness in your hair brushes as well. Broad hair brushes actually help add shine to your hair!
Hair serums: Hair oils are so passé! The future of hair care is all about serums infused with the goodness of natural oils. These help build a thin resistant coating against the harmful effects of humidity.
Mild shampoos: Stay away from chemical laden shampoos; use a mild one. I personally love the range of shampoos from SebaMed. They have one for every scalp type. You can buy these at any Hypermarket
Avoid blow-drying: Blow drying alters the shape of hair by changing their hydrogen bonds. Try not to whip out the blow-dryer the minute you step out of the shower. In fact, choose air-drying over blow-drying. However, if you don’t have the patience for an air-dry, set the dryer at the lowest possible setting. Also, try ending your hair drying routine with a bout of cool waves (using the dryer in the minimum or cooling range), this will give your hair a diva-ish feel.
Mom to the rescue: Remember when your mom advised you to eat your way to beautiful hair? Do it. Ditch junk foods and include more protein in your diet. You could also add this protein (an egg white) once a week to your hair to achieve the softest, most enviable locks.
Hope these little tricks help you lead the way to the Rapunzel-esque tress you desire!
By Jasmine Sharif @stylehappysmiles
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