Microneedling has garnered a lot of talk as of late. This skincare fad has actually been around for decades now; it has even recently been introduced into the comfort of your own home in the form of dermarollers. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, we’re here to break it all down for you.
Why Should You Ask Your Dermatologist About Microneedling?
At its simplest form, micro needling is a procedure in which minuscule needles puncture your skin in an effort to induce collagen production. The tiny needles puncturing basically work to improve your skin’s texture and appearance. Sounds scary, right? Well, while the procedure has proven to be extremely safe as well as effective, it is still important to educate and prepare yourself before going through with it.

Source: Zenith Cosmetics Clinic
Microneedling targets very specific skin issues; it primarily helps with wrinkles and collagen production, as well as working wonders for acne scarring. Now, if you have sensitive dry skin, it is likely that this could not be ideal for you. That is why it’s important to consult with a dermatologist before biting the bullet. You want to make sure that your skin can handle it, and that it’s not going to cause you more harm than good!
Why You SHOULDN’T DIY It With A Dermaroller?
Now, dermarollers have been proven to be safe to use at home; but it is still imperative that you consult with a dermatologist before use. Punching a bunch of needles into your skin is not something to be taken lightly. You need to be prepared for what to expect and how to do the procedure correctly.

Source: Diana Ralys Skin Health
Consulting with a dermatologist can help you understand how the process works and whether you even need it at all! With micro needling it is very easy for things to go wrong quickly, that’s why it is recommended to have it professionally done. However, if you’d prefer to do it in the comfort of your own home then you need to at least consult with someone before doing so.
What Should You Ask Your Dermatologist?
First and foremost, you need to understand if your skin can handle it. Try as we might, that’s something that only a dermatologist can answer! A dermatologist can give you a thorough skin analysis and predict if your skin type is likely to react badly to microneedling.
If you pass with flying colors, then you’re going to want to figure out how best to go about this. Ask how often you should microneedle, ask what products you should use to follow, ask what direction to roll the needles in; just ask anything that crosses your mind! It’s always better to be over prepared than to be left with a tomato face!
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