Going to the manicure every week is a stopover acquired by most women. Vanity of the hands is one of the most obvious feminine habits.

Throughout life, on many occasions we put our nails at risk affecting the aesthetic part eventually damaging the entire nail. But how do we differentiate beauty from nail health care?

To keep nails beautiful and healthy at the same time, check out these 5 habits that should be left out as soon as possible!

  1. Peeling off nail polish with the tooth

Know that this habit is far from ideal. This is because the nail is composed of several thin layers of cells, one over the other. When removing the enamel with the teeth some of these layers can be damaged, compromising the protection of the nails. They become weak and may suffer traumas, such as whitish spots. The correct thing is to remove the enamel only with acetone-free removers.

  1. Using acetone to remove enamel

The reason why one should choose removers rather than acetone is related to its composition.  A certain type of acid present in the acetone damages the health of the nail and causes lesions. One should have an overdose of moisturizers on your hands and nails if acetone is used to prevent them from drying out.

  1. Biting your nails

What appears to be a habit that relieves stress can lead to serious consequences on your nails. The nail, cuticle and even the skin around it is a form of protection. When we bite our nails, we break these barriers, exposing them to bacteria and viruses. Due to this exposure, the nails are subject to infections that could result in inflammation. We know that stopping this habit is not an easy task but it isn’t impossible. To get rid of this bad habit, the tip is to identify what causes the anxiety and try to eliminate it.

  1. Removing excess cuticle

The cuticle is part of the nail and plays an important role against bacteria and fungi.

You may have heard that the ideal way is to push the cuticle with a spatula and remove only the excess. However, if you have not yet adopted this habit, it is time to think better about it. By removing the entire cuticle, the nails are susceptible to contamination which can make them  weak and deformed.

  1. Holding your hand for a long time underwater

The routine of house care for many women means that they have to stay longer than they should with their hands underwater. The result is brittle and fragile nails, both because of water, and the use of chemicals and detergents, which contains substances that dry out the nails.

The solution is to use gloves while washing dishes or doing household chores. Try not to have prolonged shower sessions and always wash your hands always with a moisturizing soap.

Written by: Larisse Milato