Pain is real, we all feel it at different stages of our lives and various factors come into play when it inflicts itself upon us.

Generally we’re very good at hiding our pain. We arise every morning, look in the mirror, bury the burdens and put on our smile to take-away. We convince ourselves that today is good day and tomorrow will be even better. And then we feel a little more positive already, for the time being.

If I can share with you a secret; it’s a wonderful thing to be seen as strong but it’s even greater to be at peace when you feel weak and vulnerable. And we are always encouraged to reach out to friends, family or professionals for comfort and assistance. Apart from accepting our downtimes and sharing them, it is also important to give time some time and allow sufficient passing to heal.

The most devastating pain is caused by mother-nature; loss, betrayal, sickness and injury. These can hit us unexpectedly and none of us are immune from their painful consequences. They are factors of life and we have little control over their brutal occurrence.

But there’s another source of pain and hurt, and that is the damage that we inflict upon each other. We cultivate status, beliefs and rely on them to measure another’s worthiness. These prejudices cruelly discriminate against our fellow human beings often because of race, age, religion, disability, education, marital status, financial status and even physical appearances. We subtly (and sometimes subconsciously) belittle one another and exclude them from ourselves as being unworthy. This socially induced hurt can cause irreparable damage, yet it is something we all have total control over correcting.

Be beautiful and kind to all who come your way today and make it your routine! You will feel better within yourself and so will the world around you.

If you are reading this and hurting because of this type of pain, guess what, the hilarious thing is that those hideous comments, insults, or actions are perpetrated by our society’s weaker members. They feel compelled to create an escape from their own inferiorities and inadequacies. In order to accept who they see as themselves they feel the need to tear down those around them. This elevates their self- esteem. Albeit falsely and temporarily. And yes, they are hurting too!

I do not know what was or will be the cause of your pain, but it’s a part of living. You are normal and you are not alone, there will always be many others who are suffering more than you will. The question is, what will you do about it, what do you need to make the best out of it? In your world everything can be better for you, look for it without causing anymore heartache to yourself or others.

Often, it’s amazing how pain and hurt can be used as a catalyst for introducing positive change in our lives. In our darker moments it’s a good time to seek out the many things that we can change to find our unique identity. Perhaps a fresh image, a brand new attitude, or a fresh perspective on who we want to be and how we can present ourselves.

Beauty is seen, and it wells from the radiance within you. We at JK Fashion Indulgence can work with you when you are ready, to establish the changes appropriate for a complete unique you. When this takes place you become undismissable, and undeniably more charismatic. Your own potential transforms you. It’s not my quote but: “the world is your runway”. Walk in style and let them hear you without muttering a sound, leave your positive mark!

Let’s take the first step in enjoying the beauty within us, around us, and amongst us but don’t forget we are all beautifully imperfect beings and its okay to feel a little pain, because everybody hurts, sometimes.

Written By Janet Kabuthi

Janet is an Image consultant and owner of JK Fashion Indulgence. The brand is about effortless presentation of appearances in apparel and beauty of an individual working with a dedicated team to ensure all information offered is inspirational in a way of creating the perfect visual of oneself. JKF Indulgence personally designs limited edition fashion garments but mainly works with what you already have in your wardrobe. Its goal is to make you stylish, individualistic, and timeless.

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