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A successful collaboration between Education Above All (EAA) Foundation

 A successful collaboration between Education Above All (EAA) Foundation through its programme ROTA and Anera to support three Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon * Ghanim Al Muftah leads a fundraising campaign in Qatar to finance the project Doha, Qatar, October 27, 2018: Education Above All (EAA) Foundation, through its programme [...]

October 28th, 2018|

Endurance Training Improves Gut Health

Endurance training improves gut health Endurance workouts are a sure-fire way to strengthen your heart and improve your fitness in a way that leaves you equipped to carry out the most arduous tasks without losing a breath. But there's more: Recent research suggests that endurance exercise can also positively affect [...]

October 22nd, 2018|

Short Workouts Could Be As Good as Longer Ones

Last month we published an article on heat therapy and the research on it showing that it can be as effective in warding off chronic disease in people as two hours of exercise because of its impact on our mitochondria. But now, a new study is suggesting that we might [...]

September 25th, 2018|

New Gymmito Kids Club!

We are all about getting children more involved in sports and fun activities. Are you looking for the ideal spot to take your children to learn a sport or two? There is a lot of fun waiting for you at Gymmito Kids Club. The club will be offering activities such [...]

September 23rd, 2018|
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