The Sofa Trend Slowly Taking Over Instagram
(Image credit: Marisa Vitale) Buy a leather sofa for your living room, and you're well on your way to man cave status, whether you like it or not. Which is totally fine—honestly, there are plenty of reasons why leather is [...]
10 Plant Paradises You Should be Following on Instagram
There's no shortage of plant-obsessed accounts to follow on Instagram. The hashtag #plantsofinstagram alone produces more than 1 million posts, most of which come straight from the hands of plant parents across the globe. And if you're anything like us, [...]
How to Use Baking Soda in Laundry
Power of Baking Soda BSIP/UIG/Getty Images That same box of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) that you have in your fridge is also an inexpensive way to remove odors from clothes, boost detergent and bleach performance, soften clothes, clean an iron [...]
10 Foods You Should Avoid Bringing to Work
Be thoughtful of your coworkers when eating at your desk. Cultura/Lilly Bloom / Getty Images If you’ve ever worked in close quarters in any office environment—whether it’s a cubicle or open space—you may have experienced the annoying secondhand smells and [...]
5 Kitchen Items You’re Storing the Wrong Way
(Image credit: Emily Billings) Your kitchen is the workhorse of the home, and the items you store in it — serving pieces, utensils, and all that cookware — are among the toughest items in the whole place because they have [...]
6 Best Veggies To Grow In Raised Beds
Growing vegetables in raised beds offer an opportunity for just about anyone to provide some food for their family. Raised beds can either be created on the ground by piling up high-quality soil, compost, and other organic material or placed [...]