Have Your Child Enter Google’s ‘Doodle 4 Google’ Contest
Think your kid’s art deserves to be showcased beyond your refrigerator door? It’s the 10th anniversary of the Doodle 4 Google contest, and K-12 students have three weeks left to submit their renditions of the Google logo. The winner will score a $30,000 scholarship, a $50,000 technology package for their school and the [...]
Help Your Child Become More Independent
My mother loves to tell a story about how I would make my own sandwiches when I was three years old. Three! I used to think it was a sad story, a commentary on her non-parenting skills, but now that I’m a mom myself, I can see the silver lining: [...]
Play It Cool If Your Toddler Falls and Looks At You
It’s hard not to wince when you see someone fall, hit their head, or run into someone. When a child does it, they’ll usually look to an adult to see how they should react. For this reason, it’s best to keep it cool. In reply to a user who asks [...]
What’s Left After The Children Have Grown?
LATELY, I’ve been having some trouble figuring out exactly who I am. Or, more precisely, who I will be going forward. Parts of me have changed over the years. But my core identity has not budged in three decades. I’m a mother. Children Have Grown With my youngest son about to [...]
How To Handle a Phone ‘Addict’ Child?
On the heels of two large Apple investors urging the company to address kids’ phone addiction, many parents may be wondering: How do I know if my child is addicted to his or her smartphone? And how can I prevent problematic overuse? There are reasons for concern. A 2016 survey [...]
How Grieving Can Make It Better
Although many of us are able to speak frankly about death, we still have a lot to learn about dealing wisely with its aftermath: grief, the natural reaction to loss of a loved one. Relatively few of us know what to say or do that can be truly helpful to [...]