Five Ways to Make Your Child A Creative Genius
Just let them. karelnoppe/Shutterstock Congratulations! Your child is already a creative genius by virtue of being human. Humans are far more creative than any other species. Sure, chimpanzees have come up with ideas like termite fishing (using a stick to get tasty termites out of a hole), but most of [...]
10 Secrets Every Parent Needs To Know About Saying No
Are you a parent? Then read on. “How can I enforce my No if I don’t resort to threats?” This is, of course, the million dollar question. All parents wish their children would just comply when we ask them to do something, and acquiesce easily when we [...]
Vintage Photos to Inspire You to Plan Your Own Family Picnic
Because food tastes better when you eat it outside. Perfect picnic Wendell Gladstone, foreground, and his family enjoy lunch in upstate New York in 1936. Among those with him is his wife, Ruth, holding baby Shirley on her lap. Shirley’s daughter, Wendy Eaton of Seattle, WA, sent in the picture. [...]
To Get Through to Your Teens, Text Them
Teenagers don’t enjoy talking to their parents. Actually, scratch that. Many don’t talk that much to their friends either, at least not with their voices. Teenagers like to text. Walk into any establishment where teens hang out and you will see them clumped together in small groups hovering over their [...]
For Work-Life Balance, Work Sunday Nights
When you go home Friday night, do you stress about work all weekend? Do you end up doing work to avoid being swamped Monday morning? Here’s a wild idea: Make a habit of working every Sunday night. Lexi Reese, COO at the online HR company Gusto, is a meticulous planner. “Without [...]
Sam Claflin’s Morning Routine Will Resonate With Any Parent
With several movies under his belt, actor Sam Claflin knows what it can take to get ready for a new role, but his training and prep for “Adrift” definitely stands out. Based on a true story, the film follows Sam Claflin’s Richard Sharp and Shailene Woodley’s Tami Oldham in the 1980s [...]