Fitness & Nutrition
Weight Loss Made Easy
If you’ve made weight loss a priority and are feeling stuck, we have some ideas to get moving off that plateau. Some clients share that even though they’re eating well, making sure they get their protein, fat and carbohydrate at each meal and snack … their weight isn’t budging. No [...]
Avoiding The Holiday Weight Gain
The holiday season is approaching us. With the holidays comes parties, office snacks and a busy schedule. Here's are few tips to avoid that holiday weight gain. 1. Snack smart During the holiday season you find yourself surrounded with unhealthy snacks, cookies and other goodies. Whether at the office, a [...]
9 Foods This Nutritionist Always Has in Her Pantry
Stock up on these RD-approved staples. Nutritionist-approved pantry staples What you keep in your pantry is essential to helping you eat right, lose weight, and improve your health. That’s because a well-stocked pantry means making meals is a cinch, and the more home-cooked meals you eat, the greater control you [...]
The 3-Ingredient Breakfast This Harvard Physician Eats Every Single Day
Say goodbye to that plain old eggs-and-toast combo. When it comes to healthy breakfasts, creativity takes a back seat when your only options are fruit, eggs, and the occasional—whole grain, mind you!—slice of toast. (Sound familiar? You might want to steal these healthy breakfast ideas.) But rest assured that you’re on [...]
5 Ways to Eat More Veggies
It's a healthy habit we try to instill in our kids though we don't always do it ourselves -- eating more vegetables every day. But if you model the behavior yourself, this advice can help you lose weight and feel full at the same time. Here are easy ways to [...]
World Vegan Month
Every November we celebrate World Vegan Day and World Vegan Month, as well as the formation of The Vegan Society The Vegan Society first began as an offshoot of The Vegetarian Society in November 1944, when Donald Watson, Elsie Shrigley and friends felt the important need to distinguish the difference [...]