Fitness & Nutrition
Top 10 Favorite and Healthy Lunch Box Ideas
10 Back to School - Lunch box ideas for a Healthy Child! It is that time of the year when lunch boxes become the talk of the town among parents who aspire to become super moms and fun dads. We understand how difficult it can to be to plan [...]
Healthy Eating | What is The Ultimate Healthy Meal
What's your idea of a perfect meal? Sushi? A large piece of cake followed by hot chocolate? Even if it satisfies your appetite, it's unlikely to fulfil all your nutritional needs. Cutting through the myriad of diet plans and faddish eating regimes, the human body needs a balanced, healthy eating [...]
4 Proven Ways to Beat a Weight-Loss Plateau
We've all been there: the dreaded weight-loss plateau. You've been working out hard, watching your calories, losing weight and -- all of a sudden -- you're stuck. No matter what you do, you just can't drop below that number on the scale. Is the plateau normal, or is it some unknown [...]
5 Health Benefits of Going Vegan
And a couple potential drawbacks. 1. Vegan diets help you eat more whole foods.Eliminating meat and dairy will force you to get creative with your produce and whole grain intake, Romano says. "You might be getting in a lot more color and variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains that all [...]
10 Nighttime Habits that Can Make You Gain Weight
Most of us are creatures of habit. Our lives revolve around a daily routine and for the most part it works—until you notice that your pants won't button. Here's why your evening activities may be to blame. Dinner is your largest meal of the day ISTOCK/STOCK_COLORS Americans tend [...]
Learn How Many Calories You Eat A Day
When most of us think of calories, we think of how fattening a food is. In dietary terms, calories are the amount of energy that a food provides.If we consistently take in more energy than we need, we will gain weight. If we take in too little energy, we will [...]