Fitness & Nutrition
How Plant-Based Lifestyles Can Impact Your Health
There have been discussions around a plant-based diet and how it can impact your health for many years now. A plant-based diet is a diet based on foods derived from plants, including vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruits, but with few or no animal products. Speaking to the [...]
SCES Promotes ‘Going Further with Food’ for Nutrition Month
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) recently celebrated National Nutrition Month by sharing tips for healthy diet and eating habits. The theme for Nutrition Month this year was “Go Further with Food.” SCES Staff Nutritionist Andrea Svartstrom said the focus was on promoting food choices that are both nutritious and money-saving, noting [...]
Is It Time to Give Up on Fish Oil?
About 15 years ago, when my cholesterol level began an inexplicable climb, I tried a slew of suggested dietary remedies that included eating more fish, along with a daily supplement of fish oil, which research at the time suggested would help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Alas, my body disdained [...]
Healthy Eating | Curve Your Midnight Cravings
Nightly routines like these are a cause of weight gain for many folks – which is often why we start thinking about these habits in the first place. Of course, weight gain in and of itself isn’t problematic. But if we know that we’re eating in a way that isn’t in line [...]
Does Green Tea Help In Weight Loss?
Green tea has been associated with several health benefits, including weight loss, due to its rich nutritional and antioxidant makeup.While it has recently gained popularity in the West, green tea has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat numerous conditions from headaches to wound-healing. More recently, it has been linked to weight [...]
Welcome to The Good Life | Where to Find Sugar
What if it is possible to have more energy, joy, vitality, will for life and a better moods? To regulate digestion, blood pressure, to have stronger immunity, hair, nails, clearer thoughts and insights, better concentration, higher productivity and cognitive ability. Finally, to feel light and alive. Food is Fuel Is [...]