How to Keep Your Hair Long and Healthy
I’ve been getting a lot of questions on social media about how I keep my hair healthy, especially since it’s gotten so long and I’ve dyed it so blonde, so I decided to do a post to cover all the products I use and my healthy hair routine! My hair [...]
How to Apply Perfectly Flawless Blush
This may seem like such a straight forward part of make-up to apply, but truth be told there are many people out there incorrectly applying blusher. For most, make-up is used to enhance our natural looks, rather than dramatically change the way we look. There is a particular way to [...]
How Nail Products Stick to the Nails
Has your inner nail geek ever caused you to wonder what makes the products we apply to the nail plate stay there? The first rule of great adhesion is proper nail preparation. “Most manufacturers have great systems, but when users fail to follow their recommendations and the fingernail isn’t prepared [...]
Best Sunscreen To Wear Under Makeup
Though sunscreen should be a year-round essential in your makeup routine, it’s even more important in the summer when you’re lounging by the pool on your adorable beach towel and soaking up as much sunshine as you can. Unfortunately, makeup and screen don’t really mix. Blending the two together is like [...]
Gel French Tip Tutorial
Gel II’s new 4D Gel system allows you to take unlimited time to shape before curing to a strong, light, and durable finish. Available in 18 colors, it can be used to create natural nail overlays or nail enhancements using nail forms or tips. The product soaks off easily using [...]
The Top 5 Summer Beauty Essentials
The sun is out, the days are long, and you’re looking forward to a glorious summer of looking totally gorgeous. If you want to make sure you stay fabulously radiant all through summer, then make sure you’ve got your hands on these essential beauty must-haves! What summer beauty essentials do you need [...]