Have you noticed your skin take a trip to hell every time you are under a tremendous phase of stress?

Whether it’s your job, pending bills or just life as it is, stress comes in handy with all of it.

While stress affects almost every system in your body, it also does have adverse effects not only on your skin but also hair and nails (Yikes!)

How does it affect your skin?

Stress triggers release of hormones such as cortisol in the body. Cortisol, also known as the “ageing hormone” makes skin more sensitive and reactive. It also triggers glands to secrete more oil, making it prone to acne.

If you have skin problems such as Eczema, Psoriasis or Rosacea, then your increased stress level is very likely to aggravate them.

Stress can also disrupt the balance between good and bad bacteria in your gut leading to rashes and hives that are many times born off dysbiosis. The unfortunate truth is stress can cause trouble to your skin in multiple ways.

Skin problems can result in greater stress only putting you into an unbreakable cycle.

Is there a solution?

We can obviously not avoid stress completely (unless we stop adulting maybe) but we can definitely find ways to handle and deal with stress affectively.

  1. Exercise regularly

  1. Inculcate good sleeping habits – minimum of 8 hours per day


  1. Switch off all blue screen devices (Phones/TVs/Tablets) at least an hour before going to bed to get good quality sleep (yes, that thing exists)



  1. Find time for yourself, even if it’s only 15 minutes per day, to take a break and do anything you love – walk, read, sing or dance!

  1. Always seek support. There’s nothing wrong in being vocal about your problems. Talk to your friends or a professional. Sometimes getting it out is all that you need.


Is that all?

While we say all of that, it is also important to know that handling stress well will not eventually lead to an amazing skin.

Don’t get us wrong. But the point we’re trying to make is stress is just one of the factors that affects your skin health and for good skin health you need to handle it well while also ensuring you pour in enough of T.L.C. (Tender, Love and Care) to your skin.

For tips on good skin care, keep watching this space!

Written By Jasmine Sharif

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