We have all heard advice about certain foods that make breastmilk more nutritious, but not all of them are necessarily true. On World Breastfeeding Week, Maria Baghdoyan, Nutritionist at Nestlé Middle East, provides you simple and scientific tips and tricks to help your body produce high-quality breastmilk for your baby to benefit your own health and well-being during this critical and memorable period of motherhood.

  1. Eat More

Producing breast milk requires about 500 extra calories, so make sure they come from healthy varieties distributed between all food groups (Grains, Fruits and Vegetables, Meats and Pulses, Milk & Dairy). Example of a 500 kcal meal is: 2 slices of wholewheat bread with 1 boiled egg, a cup of raw or cooked vegetables, a glass of skimmed milk and a fresh fruit

  1. Distribute your meals

It is absolutely normal to feel hungry all the time during breastfeeding because your body consumes a lot of energy to produce breastmilk; so to help curb the constant hunger cues; have 3 main meals and 3 snacks in-between inclusive of the snack after dinner to support you with the night-time feedings.

  1. Drink more water

Your body needs plenty of water to produce breastmilk, so try to drink twice the amount of water you normally have to replenish your body with what’s going to breastmilk.

  1. Limit caffeine intake

Caffeine can irritate your baby and cause disruptions in his/her sleep; so make sure to limit your intake to no more than 2-3 cups/day

  1. Be Moderately Active

Based on recent research, you can perform physical activity and breastfeed without affecting the growth of your baby1. So try to do moderate intensity activities 3 to 4 times a week to help reduce stress levels2, improve energy levels2 and bone strength3

  1. Vary your Fruits and Vegetables

Different fruits and vegetables have different vitamins and minerals, so having a variety will not only provide your baby with the needed vitamins and minerals for health growth, but will also help him accept them in the future when complimentary feeding starts. Watch out for gassy and spicy foods though as they might cause gas and irritate your baby like cabbage, beans, broccoli and legumes.

  1. Go for the “Good Fats”

Foods like avocados, olives, salmon and raw nuts and seeds are good sources of Omega 3 & 6 which are the healthy types of fat essential for the baby’s proper brain development at this rapid stage.

  1. Look for “Quality” in Proteins

Opt for foods like lean red meat, legumes, eggs, fish, milk yogurt and cheese to provide your baby with the essential amino acids needed for healthy growth and development.

  1. Calcium is crucial

One of the most important vitamins for growing infants to build strong bones and teeth is Calcium. It also plays a role in the healthy functioning of the nervous system. So it is important for a breastfeeding mother to consume Calcium-rich products such as low fat milk and yogurt, white cheese varieties, dark green leafy vegetables and fortifies products like wholegrain fortified breakfast cereals.

  1. Iron is a must

Because breastmilk is naturally low in Iron; needed to produce red blood cells and to support immunity; it is very important to eat foods rich in high-quality Iron such as lean meat, fish, chicken and eggs as they are the ones best absorbed in the body.

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By: Maria Baghdoyan, Corporate Nutritionist at Nestlé Middle East