Long flights, not necessarily something we enjoy. But there are ways to make them better. Here are 10 things to bring with you on board for a pleasant flight experience.

  1. Hand Sanitizer: Airplanes are disgustingly dirty and definitely not the place to let your guard down about sanitation. Carrying a small bottle of hand sanitizer is beneficial before eating in-flight meals as well as cleaning your hands often.
  2. Baby wipes: the wet tissue some flights provide at the start and end of your journey is not enough to refresh your body and give yourself a mini bath. Having a pack of baby wipes in hand is a great way to remove buildup from your face and neck.
  3. Gum: a personal favorite, gum is the cure for stuffed and painful ears during ascent and descend. It also helps to avoid ear pain during turbulence, which makes it extra important on long haul flight.
  4. Books and extra entertainment: Sometimes the flight is so long that you finished all the movies you wanted to watch in the flight entertainment. Or there is nothing that peaks your interest. You can’t sleep forever so books or other means of entertainment will save you from boredom and unnecessary prying into your seatmate’s screen.
  5. Lip Balm: cabin pressure can result in dryness and flake to even the most moisturized lips on the face of the earth. Not all airlines provide lip balms in long flight care package but even if they do, it doesn’t work for everyone. A small lip balm is hassle free to carry in your bag and will spare you from endless lip licking.
  6. Travel pillow: A no brainer but often forgotten by travelers, a good, comfy travel pillow is a god sent item. Neck strains from improper posture spoils any day let alone a plane ride, which is uncomfortable as it is. A travel pillow, cushioned or inflatable, makes it easy to find comfort sleeping or reading in any position.
  7. Layers: Planes are cold, period. Carrying with you a light coat or a sweater is a great fix to combat cold and stay warm. You can also drape it over your chest for an added warmth when you nod off. Not to mention you are saving a packing space.
  8. Snacks: Airline foods don’t fancy everyone’s taste buds and long flights are bound to make your stomach growl. Buy delicious snacks in variety so you can enjoy and feel satiated.
  9. Antacids: Again, airline foods may not sit well for some people. Add that to the abrupt movements of the plane and you got yourself a stomach disaster. Antacids calm down refluxes and nauseas, making them a crucial item for travelling.
  10. Sandals: your feet don’t need to suffer from being cramped in a tight seat space wearing stuffy sneakers. A nice pair of sandals will keep your feet away from the plane itself (sea point number one) while letting them free to move, which in turn helps to deter any fluid retention in your legs.

Written by: Bisrat Atalay Tasew

Sources: https://practicalwanderlust.com/2018/09/long-haul-flight-essentials.html


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